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Yin Yoga - 60min - Theme: Yamas

Yin Yoga - 60min - Theme: Yamas

The yamas are the first of the eight limbs of yoga. Yama is a Sanskrit word meaning “to restrain”, but it has a much deeper meaning than that. The yamas are about how we engage with the world and ourselves, they're a way to live our lives in a way that brings us closer to our own inner peace and happiness as well as those around us. The yamas present in this class are: Ahimsa (non-harming), Satya (truthfulness), Asteya (non-stealing), Brahmacharya (right use of our energy) and Aparighara (non-attachment).


In this 60 minute beginner-friendly Yin class, I'm going to tell you about the yamas as we go through and how they relate to our practice. There is 10 min mediation relaxation at the end.


See a clip of the class below.

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